- The Board shall assist the University Librarian in maintaining and promoting the welfare of the University Libraries. It shall join with the University Librarian to review and help formulate broad library policy and shall serve as an advocate for the University Libraries with the Cornell community.
- The Board shall keep the Librarian informed of the needs and concerns of the faculty and students and shall help to represent the interest of the Libraries to the faculty as well as to the University administration. The Librarian shall seek and weigh the Board’s advice with respect to problems and issues affecting the Libraries before deciding on changes in policy. To that end, the Librarian shall take appropriate initiatives to present matters of policy to the Board in a timely manner, to provide the Board with pertinent information about library operations and services and to meet with the Chair of the Board frequently.
- The Board shall advise the President of its position on policy matters affecting the Libraries and about the state of the Libraries. It shall forward an annual report of its activities to the President, to the Dean of the Faculty and to the Faculty Senate, and it shall report to the Faculty Senate whenever either the Board or the Senate thinks it advisable.
- Regular meetings of the Board shall be scheduled once each month during the academic year. The Chair, appointed by the Nominations and Elections Committee with the concurrence of the Faculty Senate, shall prepare the agenda in consultation with the Director and other members of the Board and shall call the meetings. One of the appointed members shall serve as a recording secretary.
Twelve members of the faculty appointed for four-year terms by the President with the advice of the Nominations and Elections Committee and the concurrence of the Faculty Senate. Such faculty members shall be chosen in such a way as to represent the special library interests of the various disciplines.
Two students selected in a manner acceptable to the Nominations and Elections Committee.
The Provost, the Vice President for Research & Innovation, and the University Librarian as ex officio members.
Adopted by the Faculty Council of Representatives, November 13, 1974, Records, pp. 4347-49C. Amended Faculty Council of Representatives, September 24, 1986, Records, pp. 6295-97C, Appendix C; December 9, 1987, Records, pp. 6530-44C, Appendices A and B. Changes in nomenclature from FCR to Faculty Senate, and to reflect amendments to Organization and Procedures of the University Faculty, October 1995.
Where not listed as a member or chair, both the Dean of Faculty and the Associate Dean and Secretary of the Faculty, shall be a ex officio members of each committee of the University Faculty and each committee of the Senate. (Faculty Handbook, Article V Section D Part 7) (Faculty Handbook, Article VI Section A Part 3)