Faculty Senate – September 8, 1999
- Call to Order by the Speaker
- Remarks by President Hunter R. Rawlings
- Remarks by Dean Cooke (Faculty Deaths, FACTA Report, Website Credits, Faculty Salary Graph, Enrollment Graphs)
- Discussion of Salary Issues: Provost Don Randel
- Approval of Minutes of the May 12 Faculty Senate Meeting
- Report from the Nominations and Elections Committee: Kathleen Rasmussen, Associate Dean and Secretary of the University Faculty
- Report on Computing and Information Sciences: Professor Terrence Fine, Chair, Committee on Academic Programs and Policies
- Resolution amending the Faculty Committee on Program Review: Professor Christine Olson and Professor Peter Stein
- Resolution Amending the Natural Sciences Research Advisory Councils: Professor Barry Carpenter (LAC Roster)
- Report from Bob Harris and Bob Johnson on Campus Climate Initiative (Mission Statement)
- Good and Welfare: Announcement from Mary Opperman and Steve Sass on the United Way Campaign; Send My Children to Cornell?