Who’s Eligible to be a Senator?
An academic titleholder with University Voting Rights (UVR) is eligible to:
- Serve in the Faculty Senate.
- Vote in university-wide elections that determine the Faculty Trustees, the Dean of Faculty, the Associate Dean of Faculty, the University Faculty Committee, and the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Vote in elections that determine the senators from their own department and the RTE senators from their college.
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, University Professor, Professor-at-Large (in residence), Professor Emeritus/a, Associate Professor Emeritus/a, Clinical Professor (all ranks), Research Professor (all ranks), Professor-of-the-Practice (all ranks), Senior Scholar, Senior Scientist, Research Scientist, Principal Research Scientist, Senior Lecturer, Senior Research Associate, Senior Extension Associate, Librarian, Associate Librarian, Archivist, Associate Archivist and professorial ranks modified by “courtesy.”
Lecturer, Research Associate, Extension Associate, Instructor, Teaching Associate, Visiting Critic, Visiting Scholar, Visiting Scientist, Visiting Fellow, Senior Assistant Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Senior Assistant Archivist, Assistant Archivist, and any professorial title modified by “adjunct,” “acting,” or “visiting” and any RTE title modified by “acting,” “visiting,” or “courtesy.”

Senator Selection Procedures
Senate terms are for three years.
It is understood that a Senator may not be able to serve out their term for various reasons (e.g. sabbatical leave, new service commitments, etc.).
Advanced notice should always be given so that the vacancy can be filled in a timely fashion.
- Upcoming seat vacancies can be determined from this directory. Elections are typically held in the spring.
- The slate can include a member of the RTE* faculty only if the unit has two Senate seats, one of which is currently occupied by a member of the UF* faculty. If a department has two seats both of which need to be filled, then two elections are required. The slate for the first election can only include members of the UF*. The slate for the second election can include members from either the UF* or the RTE*.
- The electorate must include all TT and RTE* faculty in the unit but can include others by agreement. Senators are not appointed–they are elected.
- Elections must be by secret ballot. This is most easily accomplished via email with (for example) the department manager in charge of the tabulation. Elections must be staged even if there is just one candidate.
- Department Senators serve for three years.
- Upcoming seat vacancies can be determined from this directory. Elections are typically held in the spring.
- Any member of the RTE* Faculty in the college can place their name on the slate. Individuals who are so inclined should contact the office of their college dean.
- The electorate must include all TT and RTE* faculty in the college but can include others by agreement.
- Elections must be by secret ballot.
- College RTE At-Large Senators serve for three years.
- Upcoming seat vacancies can be determined from this directory. Elections are typically held in the spring under the auspices of the Office of the Dean of Faculty. Individuals interested in running for a University At-Large seat should contact the DoF office.
- The electorate consists of those members of the University and RTE Faculties who have University Voting Rights as listed here.
- University At-Large Senators serve for three years.
- At the start of the academic year, Cornell Academics and Professors Emeriti designate a Professor Emeritus/a or Associate Professor Emeritus/a to serve as its Faculty Senate representative.
- At the start of the academic year, Cornell University Libraries designates a member of the RTE* Faculty to serve as its Faculty Senate representative.