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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 135 – On the use of the 4:25-7:30 p.m. “Free-time zone”

Passed: May 8, 2019

Sponsors: University Faculty Committee (UFC)

Senate Discussions: May 8, 2019



Whereas the Faculty Handbook has a section on the free-time zone that does a good job explaining its value but is imprecise on allowable exceptions;

Whereas the current Faculty Legislation is unclear when it says that “formal undergraduate classes or laboratory exercises” are not allowed during the free-time zone;

Be it resolved that the free-time zone section in the Faculty Handbook be replaced with the following text:

Faculty legislation defines the “free-time zone” to be Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 4:25pm and 7:30pm, Fridays after 4:25pm, Saturdays after 12:05pm, and all day Sunday. The idea is to create a dependable space for relaxation and outside-of-class activities.


Excerpts from the Educational Policies Committee Statement (Spring 2000)

Our committee believes having such free time is not only wise but also vital to the development of our students. These hours are used for extra-curricular activities, including performances and athletics, for work time, especially in the area of dining services, and for just “being”, whether with friends or alone. Given the increasing number of evening classes and evening examinations, this free time is more important than ever.

Of course, not just the individual students benefit from knowing that these hours will be free of academic responsibilities. Teams and their coaches need to know who will be available for practice; conductors and directors need to be able to plan rehearsals; supervisors need to be able to organize work crews. Clearly the activities of the university as a whole, which certainly include more than just academics, need to have such free time clearly defined and rigorously maintained.

Therefore this committee wishes to remind all faculty, administration and staff that scheduling regular academic activities in these periods of free time must be avoided, unless special arrangements have been made.

On the “other side”, is it important for those organizing extracurricular activities to recognize that the primary function of the university is education. Students should not be so burdened with nonacademic commitments (such as to a team or club) in the early morning or in the late evening that they are unable to participate with their full attention and energy during the academic day. Further, scheduling such extra-curricular activities during the times reserved for classes often forces students to make difficult choices that may hinder their academic progress.

We wish to make a special note on review sessions. Given the number of evening classes and examinations, review sessions are not permitted after 4:30 PM, unless there are other such review opportunities at unrestricted times. We recognize that the well-designed review session can bring new insights and place the detailed work of a course in context. However, this must be balanced against (i) the erosion of free time, (ii) the tendency of students to forgo regularly scheduled classes to attend the review session, (iii) the effect of “cramming” and heightened tension they create for the actual examination and (iv) the added stress placed on students who cannot attend the review.

Finally we note that the proliferation of evening examinations is itself an infringement on the free time of the student. While we recognize the need for such exams in certain circumstances, their occurrence should be kept to a minimum. Further, these examinations should not be any longer than truly necessary to adequately evaluate the student’s command of the material and/or techniques of the course.

Any course numbered 4999 or lower is an “undergraduate-level” course even if it is cross-listed with a course numbered 5000 or higher. All other courses are “graduate-level” courses. Graduate level courses are allowed to meet during the free-time zone. Undergraduate-level courses are generally not allowed to meet during the free-time zone. Notable exceptions are certain studio and performance courses that are essential to the offering unit’s academic program.

It is important that the intent of the free-time-zone policy be respected during the process of course scheduling. For that reason, the scope of teaching in the free-time zone will be reviewed annually by the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education, the Dean of Faculty, and the University Registrar.

There are situations associated with undergraduate-level courses when use of the free-time zone (FTZ) is permitted without explicit approval

  1. A visiting speaker cannot visit during the normal meeting time for the class. It is OK to use the FTZ but attendance must be optional.
  2. The class meeting time is too short to handle effectively a particular portion of the syllabus. It is OK to use the FTZ for the required teaching but the students concerned must agree with the scheduling.
  3. It is OK to schedule a review session in the FTZ provided an alternate review session is offered outside of the FTZ.
  4. It is OK to use the FTZ for make-up, alternate, and extra-time exams provided similar test taking opportunities are offered outside of the FTZ.
  5. It is OK to hold office hours during the FTZ provided alternate office hours are offered outside of the FTZ.
  6. It is OK to use the FTZ for make-up classes that are necessitated by a snow day or other campus-wide emergency closure provided everyone agrees with the scheduling.

Questions and ambiguous situations relating to this list should be relayed to the Dean of Faculty.