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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 130 – New Emeritus Process

Passed: November 8, 2017

Sponsor: Ad Hoc Committee on the Transition to Emeritus 

Senate Discussions: April 25, 2017

The Process of Becoming Emeritus/a Status




Proposed Process for Awarding Emeritus/a Status

Upon retirement, a university professor, full professor, or associate professor who has been a tenured member of the University Faculty for ten or more years may be considered for emeritus/a status.

Awarding the title of university professor emeritus/a, professor emeritus/a, or associate professor emeritus/a shall be based upon the career contributions of the candidate through a combination of teaching, research, advising, administration, extension, and outreach. An overall record of meritorious service to the university is expected.

The candidate supplies a curriculum vita to the department chair together with a cover letter that includes the date of retirement and a request to be considered for either emeritus or emerita status.

If the request is from a full professor, then it is reviewed and voted upon by the full professors and the emeritus faculty in the candidate’s department. If the request is from an associate professor, then it is reviewed and voted upon by the tenured professors and the emeritus faculty in the candidate’s department. The result of the vote and the chair’s recommendation to either approve or deny emeritus/a status is communicated to the dean of the candidate’s college.

The dean reviews the dossier and makes a recommendation to the provost. If the recommendation is positive and an endowed chair is held by the candidate, then the dean should indicate whether the college authorizes use of the endowed chair title, e.g., Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emerita. This will not continue to encumber funds attached to the chair title.

If either the dean or chair recommendation is negative, then the candidate is so informed by the provost and given the opportunity to respond in writing within ninety days. The final decision to approve emeritus/a status is made by the provost, perhaps in consultation with the dean of faculty and others.


  1. By making “emeritus/a” a modifier, we smooth the path for associate professors and make it possible in the future to award this status to other titles, e.g., senior lecturer, research professor, etc.
  2. By clarifying “who votes” and defining “meritorious service” broadly we make life easier for both the chair and the candidate.
  3. By instituting a low-overhead appeal process we ensure fairness and adherence to the rules.



Current Process for Awarding Emeritus/a Status

Any member of the professorial staff who retires after ten years in the tenured rank of university professor, professor, or associate professor and who has rendered distinguished and meritorious service to the university, may be appointed professor emeritus by the provost after recommendation by the members of the particular department and the dean of the college or school faculty to which the retiring member belonged.