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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 112: Student Resolution 24: Cost Barriers to Study Abroad with President’s Response

Passed: November 5, 2015

Sponsor: S.A. Resolution #24

Senate Discussions:



ABSTRACT: This resolution recommends that Cornell University take necessary strides to reduce cost barriers for studying abroad.

Sponsored by: Philip Titcomb ‘17

Whereas, the former President of Cornell University, President David Skorton, set a goal for the university that 50% of students will have had a meaningful educational experience abroad by the year 2020;

Whereas, only 476 students studied abroad through Cornell Abroad in 2012-2013;

Whereas, Cornell University imposes a $2,500 fee to “[cover] costs of remaining registered, transferring credit and financial aid” for all students who are studying abroad during the academic year, commonly referred to as the CIPT (Cornell International Program Tuition);

Whereas, students are already discouraged from studying abroad due to co-curricular obligations, fear of not graduating in 4-5 years, and fear of language and cultural barriers;

Be it therefore resolved, that the Student Assembly recommends that President Garrett encourage the Cornell Board of Trustees to eliminate or significantly reduce the CIPT to help students offset the additional costs that they will incur as a part of their abroad experience including student visas and airline tickets;

Be it further resolved, that the Student Assembly recommends that each college create additional grants and scholarships to offset the price of airfare for semester abroad students;

Be it further resolved, that the Student Assembly recommends that the Administration continue to charge students the cost of their non-Cornell international program in lieu of charging for traditional Cornell tuition and fees for their semester abroad;

Be it further resolved, that the Cornell Abroad Office make significant strides to be more transparent in regards to costs incurred by students, including outlining the necessity for any administrative or other fees charged to students;

Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Faculty Senate to help improve the quality of the Cornell undergraduate experience;

Be it finally resolved, that the Student Assembly will continue collaboration with the Cornell Abroad Office on real and perceived barriers to study abroad.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jordan Berger ’17
Parliamentarian, Student Assembly

Philip Titcomb ‘17
LGBTQ+ Representative, Student Assembly