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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 103: Transfer from Clinical Professor to Professor of the Practice – Johnson Graduate School of Mangement

Passed: February 11, 2015

Sponsor: Soumitra Dutta, Dea nof JGSM, Committee on Academic Programs & Policies (CAPP) and University Faculty Committee (UFC)

Senate Discussions: February 11, 2015

Johnson Graduate School of Management Request to Change from Clinical Professors to Professors of the Practice

Cornell’s Johnson School (“Johnson” below) wants to utilize the title “Professor of the Practice.” The enabling legislation was proposed by the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (CAPP) and approved by the University Senate (4/9/14). That legislation says:
Units that have already adopted the Clinical Professor titles but wish instead to use the Professor of the Practice designation for either all such faculty or a defined portion of such faculty shall submit a proposal to do so to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP) for review for conformity to the requirements of this enabling legislation. CAPP shall report its approval of any nomenclature change to the University faculty.

The Johnson faculty previously approved the use of “Clinical Professor.” Our proposal was approved by the Senate on 9/14/11, and we have been using the clinical professor title. We wish to utilize only the Professor of the Practice title going forward, because more of our peer graduate business schools use that title. We would like to allow faculty members who have been appointed as Clinical Professors to keep that title if they prefer. All procedures and restrictions in place for clinical professor would apply to the professor of the practice title as required by the original senate resolutions and our faculty vote.

The following proposal was approved by our Faculty Policy Committee and by more than 2/3 of those voting among non‐tenure‐track and tenure‐track faculty, separately. Further, 50% or more of each group voted positively. (In fact, the vote was unanimous among those voting in both groups.)


  1. Going forward, Professor of the Practice will be used in place of Clinical Professor. No new appointments will be made using Clinical Professor after the change is approved by the Johnson Faculty and the Cornell Senate.
  2. Current Clinical Professors can maintain their current title if they prefer.
  3. All rules and requirements from the original legislation will apply. For example, the TOTAL number of all Clinical Professors and Professors of the Practice (PoP) will be limited to 25% of the number of tenure‐track faculty.

LATE NOV. 2014: Approved by CAPP (Committee on Academic Programs and Policies)
DECEMBER 1, 2014: Approved by UFC (University Faculty Committee)
DECEMBER 10, 2014: Posted by Dean of the University Faculty

JGSM Request to Change from Clinical Professors to Professors of the Practice