Resolutions Archive

- Resolution 200
Resolution on the Selection Process for External Reviewers in Tenure Cases - Resolution 199
Resolution Concerning Cornell Vice President Joel Malina’s Violations of Faculty Academic Freedom - Resolution 198
Resolution Concerning Increased Police and Security Cameras on Cornell’s Campus - Resolution 197
Visibility of the chair’s letter to the dean in tenure cases
- Resolution 196
Maintaining a Basic Swim Competency Graduation Requirement for all Cornell University Undergraduate Students - Resolution 195
Establish a Teaching Professor Track - Resolution 194
Concerning the Faculty Senate’s governance responsibility to consider and vote on the Cornell Interim Expressive Activity Policy - Resolution 193
Discontinue posting median grades on student transcripts - Resolution 192
Eliminate a transcript notation for a grade of incomplete when the instructor has substituted another grade
- Resolution 191
Graded Academic Coursework During Breaks - Resolution 190
Brooks School of Public Policy proposed use of the Professor of the Practice title - Resolution 189
Structural Equity and Inclusion for Research, Teaching and Extension (“RTE”) faculty - Resolution 188
Cornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science adopt the Research Professor title - Resolution 187
Cornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science adopt the Professor of Practice title - Resolution 186
Request the University provide funds for a gynecologist MD at Cornell Health - Resolution 185
S. C. Johnson College of Business Harmonization of Tenure Clock - Resolution 184
Academic Freedom in Cornell Programs in China and other parts of the Global Hubs System
- Resolution 183
Posthumous Academic Awards - Resolution 182
Honors and Distinctions awards for Undergraduate students - Resolution 181
Prospective Part-time Bachelor’s Degree for Non-Traditional Students - Resolution 180
Inclusion and Prioritization of a New Natatorium in the ‘Do the Greatest Good’ Capital Campaign - Resolution 179
Consultation with the Faculty Senate with respect to Global Hubs - Resolution 178
External Review Selection Process in Tenure Cases - Resolution 177
No Contact Lists in Tenure Cases - Resolution 176
Resolution for ILR to adopt Professor of Practice title - Resolution 175
Resolution for ILR to adopt Research Professor title - Resolution 174
Resolution on Specifying the Rights and Responsibilities of the Faculty Senate with Respect to Collaborative Agreements with Other Academic Institutions and Corporations - Resolution 173
Resolution on Faculty Discretion to Teach On-line If Students Are infected or Where Classroom Conditions Make Social Distancing Impossible - Resolution 172
Resolution on Adopting University Policies for Reasonable Accommodations for Faculty, Instructors, Staff, and Students During the Pandemic
- Resolution 171
Regarding External Harassment - Resolution 170
Resolution regarding the visibility of college tenure policy documents - Resolution 169
Resolution regarding a second Senator group recommendations regarding faculty education
[Formal title: Resolution Supporting Voluntary Participation by Faculty in Educational Programs to Address Issues of Racism and Systemic Injustice and to Enhance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.] - Resolution 168
Resolution regarding a Senator group recommendations regarding faculty education - Resolution 167
Resolution regarding the Senator group recommendation regarding student education
[Formal title: Resolution in support of requiring that all students, before graduation, complete at least one for-credit course addressing race, indigeneity, ethnicity, and bias.] - Resolution 166
Resolution regarding the Directors’ Resolution on student education
[Formal title: Proposal for Racism, Colonialism, Antiracism, and Decolonization Course] - Resolution 165
Resolution regarding support of the Working Group-F recommendation for a required educational program for Faculty - Resolution 164
Resolution regarding support for the Working Group-S recommendation for a required educational program for students - Resolution 163
Resolution regarding support of the Working Group-C recommendation for an Antiracism Center - Resolution 162
Resolution regarding Research Integrity Policy revisions - Resolution 161
Resolution regarding joint or dual degree programs involving other academic institutions - Resolution 160
Resolution regarding vetting international dual degree programs - Resolution 159
Resolution to change Senate Bylaws on Dean of Faculty Election Slate Size - Resolution 158
Resolution regarding crime alerts and race - Resolution 157
Resolution in support of Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech and Expression - Resolution 156
Resolution in support of naming a residence hall after Barbara McClintock - Resolution 155
Resolution on RTE percent limitation approval process - Resolution 154
Resolution on the Changes to the Code of Academic Integrity prompted by the S20 Semester - Resolution 153
Resolution on RTE percentage caps in the CVM - Resolution 152
Resolution on JCB Professor of Practice Policy
- Resolution 151
Support for continued employment of Cornell staff during the COVID-19 crisis - Resolution 150
Cornell Law School clinical tenure - Resolution 149
Tenure Review Pauses - Resolution 148A
An S20 Commitment to Academic Integrity, Equitable Instruction, Trust, and Respect - Resolution 148
When the Instructor is a Family Member - Resolution 147
Authorizing the Use of the Professor-of-the-Practice Title for CVM - Resolution 146
Grade Change Protocols - Resolution 145
Fossil Fuel Divestment - Resolution 144
Social Science Superdepartments - Resolution 143
The Cross-College School of Public Policy Model - Resolution 142
The College of Public Policy Model - Resolution 141
Resolution regarding Emeritus/a Status eligibility for Retiring Research, Teaching and Extension (RTE) Faculty - Resolution 140
Learning Where You Live Course Oversite - Resolution 139
Changes in grading policy - Resolution 138
Handling Student Accommodations and Reaffirming Their Importance: Proposal for the updated student accommodations policy to become part of Faculty Handbook - Resolution 137
The Prevention of Device-Enabled Cheating During Exams: Proposal clarifies that unless instructors allow them, electronic devices are not allowed in exams.
- Resolution 136
Meeting Time Patterns: Proposal adds additional 75-patterns and additional flexibility with respect to the longer-time patterns. - Resolution 135
Free-Time Zone: Proposal that clarifies how the 4:25-7:30pm period can be used. - Resolution 134
Grade changes: Proposal that instructor-of-record always is informed about changes that result in a “W” or an expunge grade. - Resolution 133
Course instructor of record - Resolution 132
Proposal for Implementation of Research Professor – College of Arts and Sciences UPDATE - Resolution 131
Research, Teaching, and Extension (RTE) Faculty
- Resolution 130
New Emeritus Process - Resolution 129
On Recent Racial Incidents
- Resolution 128
Statement on Academic Freedom - Resolution 127
Cornell Leadership in Honesty and Reliable Knowledge - Resolution 126
Environment and Sustainability Major – Cross College Major - Resolution 125
Resolution on Indigenous Peoples’ Day - Resolution 124
Resolution Concerning Cornell’s Response to Post-Election Events – Sanctuary Campus - Resolution 123
Resolution on Senate Meeting Dates - Resolution 122
Proposal for Implementation of Research Professor – College of Engineering - Resolution 121
Endorsing a Request to Re-brand Cornell Plantations (10/12/16) - Resolution 120
Proposal for Implementation of the Title Research Professor–College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (9/14/16)
- Resolution 119
Proposal for Implementation of the Title Research Professor–College of Human Ecology - Resolution 118
Proposal for Implementation of the Title Research Professor–College of Veterinary Medicine - Resolution 117
Honor Joseph A. Burns for His Service as Dean of Faculty - Resolution 116
Proposal for Implementation of the Title Professor of Practice–College of Arts and Sciences - Resolution 115
College of Business - Resolution 114
Proposal for Implementation of Professor of Practice Title – College of Architecture, Art, and Planning - Resolution 113
Johnson Graduate School of Management Dual Degree Program - Resolution 112
Student Resolution 24: Cost Barriers to Study Abroad with President’s Response - Resolution 111
Proposal for Implementation of Professor of Practice Title – College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
- Resolution 110
Investigation of Cornell University Conduct Toward Student Protestors - Resolution 109
Enabling Legislation for Research Professor Title - Resolution 108
Transfer of Titles by the Law School - Resolution 107
Shared Governance in Matters of Educational Policy as Required by Article 13, Section 2 of the Bylaws of Cornell University - Resolution 106
Professor of Practice Title – College of Engineering - Resolution 105
Change Time of Faculty Senate Meetings - Resolution 104
Professor of Practice and Clinical Professor Proposal- Human Ecology - Resolution 103
Transfer from Clinical Professor to Professor of the Practice – Johnson Graduate School of Management
- Resolution 102
Professor of Practice Title – Amend 2002 Legislation - Resolution 101
Cornell Investment and Divestment Strategies for a Sustainable Future REFORMAT - Resolution 100
Clinical Professor Proposal – School of Hotel Administration
- Resolution 99
UFC Resolution on an Amendment to the eCornell Agreement - Resolution 98B
Alternate Resolution on Investigation Concerning Freedom of Expression - Resolution 98A
Investigation Concerning Freedom of Expression - Resolution 97
Approve a Master of Science Degree in Information Systems at Cornell NYC Tech
- Resolution 96
Academic Calendar - Resolution 95
Code of Academic Integrity, Resolution to Revise the Code of Academic Integrity - Resolution 94
Change the Charge to the Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Status of the Faculty - Resolution 93
Educational Policy Committee Resolution to add Two Student Members to EPC - Resolution 92
Resolution on Cancellation of Classes, Monday April 27, 2015 from 8:00AM to 1:10PM to Celebrate the Cornell Sesquicentennial - Resolution 91
Approve the Title Clinical Professor – College of Veterinary Medicine - Resolution 90
Amend the University Bylaws to Allow Cornell Faculty to Earn a Graduate Professional Degree from Cornell University - Resolution 89
Proposal to Implement Clinical Professor Title in the Johnson Graduate School of Management
- Resolution 88
Remove Median Grades from the Web - Resolution 87
Library Board - Resolution 86
Support the Extension of the Tenure-Track Clock for JGSM Faculty Appointments - Resolution 85
Work over Breaks - Resolution 84
Use of Bottled Water - Resolution 83
Protocols to Ensure Faculty Governance - Resolution 82
Call for Cornell University to Create an Initiative to Develop Approaches to a Climate of Academic Integrity - Resolution 81
Cornell Purchasing a University-Wide License for Turnitin - Resolution 80
Status of Faculty Center - Resolution 79
Academic Integrity & CU Matriculation - Resolution 78
Cornell Child Care Center - Resolution 77
Timely Response to Faculty Resolutions
- Resolution 76
Effective Advising - Resolution 75
Amend the Organization and Procedures of the University Faculty (OPUF) - Resolution 74
Library Resolutions - Resolution 73
Library Task Force Report REFORMAT - Resolution 72
Marcellus Shale - Resolution 71
Availability of the Task Force Reports - Resolution 70
Cornell Climate Action Plan - Resolution 69
Concerning Make-Up Exams REFORMAT
- Resolution 68
Concerning Academic Calendar - Resolution 67
Concerning Construction & Renovation of Buildings
- Resolution 66 does not exist
- Resolution 65
Final Examinations & Other End-of-Semester Exercises - Resolution 64
Reaffirm Senate Support that Cornell Establish a University Club
- Resolution 63
Approve the Establishment of a New Ph.D. Program in Human Behavior and Design - Resolution 62
Campus Code Review - Resolution 61
Approve the Offering of the Masters of Engineering Degree in Systems Engineering Taught Using Distance Learning (DL MEng in SE) REFORMAT - Resolution 60
Review & Receive Faculty Governance – Final Report & Recommendations - Resolution 59
Approve Creation of a new Master of Science Legal Studies Degree Program in the Graduate Field of Law - Resolution 58
Change the Charge and Name of Committee on Research on Human Subjects - Resolution 57
Establish Two-Year Dual Degree – Master of Professional Studies/Real Estate (MPS/RE) – Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Resolution 56
Violating the Code of Academic Integrity and Dropping Courses - Resolution 55
Affirm Policy Openness in Research and Public Disclosure of Sponsorship of Research - Resolution 54
Acknowledgement and Appreciation - Resolution 53
Library Board Regarding SPARC Author’s Addendum
- Resolution 52
Regarding Faculty Statement of Principles and Best Practices Concerning Strategic Corporate Alliances - Resolution 51
Review Faculty Governance - Resolution 50
Establish a Graduate Minor Field – Computational Science and Engineering - Resolution 49
Urging the Administration and the Board of Trustees to Engage in a Frank and Open Dialogue with the Faculty Regarding the Resignation of President Jeffrey Lehman
- Resolution 48
University Faculty Library Board on Scholarly Publishing - Resolution 47
Adopt Policy on Sanctions for Job-Related Faculty Misconduct - Resolution 46
Recommend that the Law School be Permitted to Use the Title of Clinical Professor - Resolution 45
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ad Hoc Committee Recommending that the Provost and Board of Trustees Create Emeritus/a Titles to Which Senior Lecturers, Senior Research Associates, and Senior Extension Associates may be Appointed - Resolution 44
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ad Hoc Committee Recommending that the Provost and Officers of Schools, Colleges, and Administrative Units Employing NTT Faculty Create Professional Development Opportunities - Resolution 43
Approve a Graduate Joint Masters Degree to be Offered by Cornell University of Hotel Administration and Nanyang Technological University’s School of Business in Singapore - Resolution 42
Recommend Establishment of the Titles Research Scientist and Principal Research Scientist - Resolution 41
Modify Nominations & Elections Committee Selection Process
- Resolution 40
Establish a Ph.D. Program in Apparel Design in the Field of Textiles at Cornell University - Resolution 39
Establish a Graduate Field and Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology - Resolution 38
Amend FACTA Legislation - Resolution 37
Regarding the University Library’s Policies on Serials Acquisition, with Special Reference to Negotiations with Elsevier
- Resolution 36
Establish a Graduate Field and Ph.D. Program in Information Science - Resolution 35
Paper Usage at Cornell University - Resolution 34
Regarding a Renewable Energy Endowment at Cornell University - Resolution 33
Create a Master of Engineering Degree Program in the Existing Major Field of Biomedical Engineering - Resolution 32
Revise the Copyright Policy - Resolution 31
Establish a University Club - Resolution 30
Enabling Legislation for the Clinical Professor Title
- Resolution 29
Ward Center for Nuclear Sciences (5/8/02) - Resolution 28
Regarding Reestablishment of a Faculty Club - Resolution 27
Faculty Committee on Minority Education Regarding Best Practices for Recruitment, Retention, and Addressing Concerns of Students of Under-Represented Minority Groups - Resolution 26
Recommending that Each Course Syllabus Include a Reference to the Cornell University code of Academic Integrity - Resolution 25
Cornell’s Laboratory of Nuclear Studies - Resolution 24
Change Composition of Committee on Research on Human Subjects - Resolution 23
Regarding Widespread Consultation on Academic Unit – Changes to Name or Degree Designations - Resolution 22
Modify Appeals and Grievance Procedures - Resolution 21
Response to September 11 Tragedy
- Resolution 20
Establish a Standing committee of the Faculty Senate on Campus Climate - Resolution 19
Academic Calendar through 2004-2005 - Resolution 18
Copyright Policy - Resolution 17
Formation of a Graduate Field of Horticulture - Resolution 16
Establish a Faculty Online Forum - Resolution 15
The Overarching Agreement between Cornell and eCornell - Resolution 14
Dates of Commencement - Resolution 13
Graduate Field of Systems Engineering and a Master of Engineering Degree in Systems Engineering
- Resolution 12
Principles of Cooperation and Consultation Between the President and Faculty Senate - Resolution 11
From the University Benefits Committee on TIAA’s 10-Year Exit Restriction - Resolution 10
Establishing a Graduate Field in Asian Religions - Resolution 9
Distance Learning from the Committee on Academic Programs and Policies and the University Faculty Committee - Resolution 8
Change the Composition of the Professors-At-Large Selection Committee - Resolution 7
Substitute Resolution on the Diversity and Inclusion Statement from the Campus Climate Committee - Resolution 6
Inappropriate use of Class Notes brought forward by the Educational Policy Committee - Resolution 5
Establishing a Graduate Degree Program in Atmospheric Science - Resolution 4
Concerning the CIS Task Force Proposal and its Sequel - Resolution 3
Amending the Faculty Committee on Program Review - Resolution 2
Amending the Natural Sciences Research Advisory Councils
- Resolution 1
Sexual Harassment Procedures