Faculty Senate – April 25, 2018
This extra meeting of the Faculty Senate will take place in 105 ILR, 3:30-5:00pm
The entire meeting will be concerned with the recommendations from the Consensual Relationships Policy Committee (CRPC).
A one-page summary of these recommendations together with FAQs and other information is available on the CRPC Website.
The meeting will be structured as follows:
1. Call to Order, Charles Walcott (Speaker)
2. Overview of issues, DoF Charles Van Loan (CRPC co-chair) [15 min] [slides]
3. Resolution on Consensual Relations Policy introduced by Professor Richard Miller (Philosophy) and discussion [60 min] [slides]
- Additional discussion of CRP issues as time permits.
Senators will also be registering their opinion on the Committee versions of CRP-A and CRP-B using this ballot. (Downloadable word version.) On the ballot is an opportunity to include a paragraph that justifies or qualifies the vote.
Ballots can be turned in at the meeting or can be sent to deanoffaculty@cornell.edu no later than Friday, April 27.
Each ballot response (vote + optional paragraph) will be listed like this in the Committee’s totally public Final Report that goes to the President on May 1.
It is essential that Senators engage their constituents on this topic in advance.
Alternates can be sent to the meeting if attendance is a problem.