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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Faculty Senate – April 8, 2009

  1. Call To Order by Speaker Steven Beer
  2. Presentation/Discussion about open access for scholarly journal articles (John Hermanson, Library Board and guest, Professor Stuart M. Shieber* from Harvard) (17 minutes)
  3. Report from UFC (Dennis Miller) (3 minutes)
  4. Approval of Minutes (Steve Beer) (2 minutes)
  5. Dean of Faculty Report Bill Fry) (3 minutes)
  6. Report from Nominations and Elections Committee (Brad Anton) (3 minutes)
  7. Strategic Planning (Provost Kent Fuchs) (30 minutes)
  8. Resolution on the academic calendar (Georg Hoffstaetter, EPC chair) (27 minutes)
  9. Good And Welfare (5 minutes)

*Professor Stuart M. Shieber ( is the James O. Welch, Jr. and Virginia B. Welch Professor of Computer Science and Director, Office for Scholarly Communication ( at Harvard University. He will discuss scholarly communications issues and Harvard’s implementation of their recently passed (February 12, 2008) open access policy. Under this policy, The Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences faculty granted the University permission to make their scholarly articles freely and openly available. He also consulted with the MIT Faculty Ad-hoc Committee on Open Access Publishing to make their scholarly articles freely and open available to the entire world ( and (