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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 3: Amending the Faculty Committee on Program Review

Passed: September 8, 1999

Sponsor: Faculty Senate

Senate Discussions: September 1999



BE IT RESOLVED, that the first paragraph of section 3 of Senate document “Academic Program Review at Cornell” be amended as follows (deletions in brackets, additions in capital letters):

  1. The Faculty Committee on Program Review (FCPR), a new university-wide professorial faculty committee, will oversee the program review process. The Committee will consist of [nine] NO FEWER THAN NINE AND NO MORE THAN ELEVEN faculty members representing the broad disciplinary areas and academic functions of Cornell and [the Vice-President for Academic Programs, Planning and Budgeting] A SENIOR MEMBER OF THE ADMINISTRATION APPOINTED BY THE PROVOST ex-officio.


Staffing the FCPR presents some unique problems. The need for continuity and the long time scale for an individual review (generally the better part of a year) is inconsistent with one-semester, or even one-year, sabbatical replacements. Given that leaves are a regular feature of academic life, that the workload of the committee is somewhat variable, and that single-semester replacements are impractical, we suggest that the legislation be amended to permit a membership of not fewer than nine, and not more than eleven faculty members (exclusive of the senior member of the administration appointed ex officio).

The second proposed change reflects organizational changes in the central administration in the past year.