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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 93: Educational Policy committee (EPC) to Add Two Student Members to Committee

Passed: March 14, 2012

Sponsor: Educational Policy Committee

Senate Discussions: March 14, 2012


WHEREAS, the Educational Policy Committee (EPC) consists of nine members of the University Faculty;

WHEREAS, there are, at present, no student representatives on the EPC;

WHEREAS, the Student Assembly passed a resolution recommending, “that the Educational Policy Committee add a student representative seat to its committee to ensure that the student voice on educational policy issues in the future is heard”;

WHEREAS, the current legislation concerning the constitution and election of the EPC reads as follows:
“The Committee on Educational Policy consists of nine members of the University Faculty, appointed by the Nominations and Elections Committee, for three-year staggered terms. Insofar as possible, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall ensure that each of the undergraduate schools and colleges are represented. The Dean and Secretary of the Faculty are ex officio members and are not counted in determining the number that constitutes a quorum nor in establishing the existence of a quorum. The chair shall be selected by the Nominations and Elections Committee.”

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the current legislation be modified as follows, with the additional language underlined: “The Committee on Educational Policy consists of nine members of the University Faculty, appointed by the Nominations and Elections Committee, for three-year staggered terms. Insofar as possible, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall ensure that each of the undergraduate schools and colleges are represented. Two student members (of which at least one shall be an undergraduate) with voting privileges, will be selected annually by the Staffing Committee of the Student Assembly. Re-selection of a student for a second term shall be permitted. At the discretion of the Committee Chair, student members of the Committee may, on occasion, be excluded from certain discussions and from voting on certain issues. The Dean and Secretary of the Faculty are ex officio members and are not counted in determining the number that constitutes a quorum nor in establishing the existence of a quorum. The chair shall be selected by the Nominations and Elections Committee.”