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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 133 – Concerning titleholder requirements for those who teach courses for credit.

Passed: April 17, 2019

Sponsors: University Faculty Committee (UFC)

Senate Discussions: April 17, 2019


  • The instructor of record in a course is the individual who assigns the final course grade.
  • An undergraduate-level course is a course numbered 4999 or less.
  • A graduate-level course is a course numbered 5000 or greater.
  • An academic titleholder is any person whose (possibly modified) title is listed here
  • A person on the staff who does not have an academic title is a member of the nonacademic staff.



Whereas the general expectation is that only academic titleholders can serve as the instructor-of-record in a credit-bearing course;

Whereas there exist within the pool of nonacademic staff, individuals who are qualified to teach courses that enhance the educational opportunities for students;

Whereas the skills required for effective undergraduate and graduate-level teaching are different;

Whereas within a degree program the role of required and elective courses is different;

Be it resolved that a member of the nonacademic staff can serve as the instructor of record provided the course is a graduate-level course and not a requirement for any degree program affiliated with the sponsoring unit.

If approved, the following text will become part of the Faculty Handbook:  If a course is offered for credit, then the instructor of record is the individual who assigns the final course grade. The instructor of record must be an academic titleholder if the course is numbered 4999 or lower.  An individual who is not an academic titleholder can serve as the instructor of record if the course is numbered 5000 or higher and is not a requirement for any degree program affiliated with the sponsoring unit. Co-teaching with an academic titleholder is always allowed provided the academic titleholder serves as the instructor of record.

Resolution PDF