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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 159: Change Senate Bylaws on DoF Election Slate Size

Passed:  April 7, 2021

Posted:  March 29, 2021

Sponsor: University Faculty Committee


The University Faculty bylaws say that the slate for a Dean of Faculty election must have three candidates:

..the Nominations and Elections Committee  shall  solicit  nominations  and  canvass  Faculty opinion, and shall prepare a slate of three or more candidates. The Nominations and Elections Committee should consult the President in this regard.

See Article V, Section F.2.

Faculty workload has increased due to the pandemic making it difficult to recruit candidates willing to stand for election. While slates of three or more candidates are desirable, a two-person slate is perfectly acceptable.

For greater flexibility, the UFC recommends that the bylaws be changed to allow for DoF election slates that have two candidates. It is understood that to take effect, a referendum of the University Faculty must be staged and the majority of those who vote must approve of the change. See Article XIV.

The required University Faculty referendum will be staged immediately after this resolution is passed by the Senate.


Whereas Faculty Senate Bylaws currently stipulate that a Dean of Faculty election slates must consist of three or more candidates;

Whereas heightened faculty workload associated with the pandemic is making it more difficult to attract individuals who are willing to run for the position;

Whereas a two-person slate is perfectly adequate from the standpoint of giving the electorate sufficient choice in a Dean of Faculty election;

Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate recommends to the University Faculty that bylaws be changed to allow for slates that consist of two or more candidates.

Vote Results:

630 yes; 58 no; 48 abstain