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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Resolution 174: Specifying the Rights and Responsibilities of the Faculty Senate with Respect to Collaborative Agreements with Other Academic Institutions and Corporations

Passed:  October 8, 2021
Vote results with comments
Response from President and Provost

Posted: May 14, 2021


  • Richard Bensel
  • Laurent Dubreuil
  • Risa Lieberwitz
  • Michael Nussbaum
  • Harold Hodes
  • Maria Alejandra Gandolfo Nixon
  • Carl Franck
  • Nancy Pollak




Whereas one of the primary responsibilities of the Faculty Senate under the University Bylaws (Article XIII, Section 2) is “to consider questions of educational policy which concern more than one college, school, or separate academic unit or are general in nature; and to recommend to the Board of Trustees, with the approval of the appropriate college or school faculty, the establishment, modification or discontinuance of degrees.”;

Whereas the responsibility of the Faculty Senate under the University Bylaws (Article XIII, Section 2) includes: (a) all arrangements in which course credits earned at Cornell are, by agreement, accepted by another institution; (b) all arrangements in which course credits earned at another institution are, by agreement, accepted by Cornell; (c) all arrangements, including “commercial agreements,” with private corporations in which a Cornell unit provides formal course instruction (including, but not limited to, arrangements in which a Cornell unit awards a “certificate”);  and (d) any other arrangement in which a Cornell unit provides course instruction for another institution or private corporation;

Resolved, The Faculty Senate affirms its responsibility to consider and advise on all programs entailing course instruction that involve other academic institutions and corporations.

Resolved, The Faculty Senate maintains that the way to fulfill its responsibilities is by creating the process laid out in the sponsor’s background document.

Vote results:

44 Yes, 26 N, 16 Abstain and 42 DNV