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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

Faculty Committee on Program Review (FCPR)

  • A University-wide professorial faculty committee that oversees the program review process.
  • Departments, Centers, and other units are reviewed every 5-10 years.
  • Members are selected jointly by the Provost and the Faculty Senate.


1. All departments(1), degree-granting graduate fields, and centers(2) will be reviewed once every five to ten years(3). Whenever possible, fields and centers that can be associated with a department will be reviewed with that department. Where the interdisciplinary nature of the field or center(4) makes combined reviews unfeasible, independent field and center reviews will be carried out.

2. The college deans(5) will be responsible for the unit reviews with support provided by the provost, if requested. A departmental review will consist of two phases: a self-study by the department faculty and an evaluation by an ad-hoc evaluation committee. The department will find appropriate mechanisms to involve a broad spectrum of students in the self-study. The self-study will address specific issues raised by the dean, the department under review, and the University administration, and will include:

    1. A description of the fundamental questions that organize and motivate the current teaching, research, outreach and other scholarly activities of the department, showing how the faculty share intellectual discourse and purpose;
    2. A critical analysis of the current state of the work of the department, including graduate and undergraduate teaching (with attention to the purpose and coherence of the curricula), research, and outreach, with whatever quantitative information required by the dean;
    3. Specific issues, if any, the department wishes the ad-hoc evaluation committee to address and any other expectations the department has of the evaluation committee;
    4. A plan for the next five to ten years, including staffing and resource allocation, and its relationship to the fiscal guidelines supplied by the dean.

The self-study need not be a long or time-consuming process. Thorough and comprehensive annual reviews should provide the necessary background and framework for the study.

Additional university-wide review criteria and required information may be specified by the Faculty Committee on Program Review (see paragraph 3). Examples of possible criteria are given in Appendix A. Every effort will be made to ensure that the University’s administrative systems will provide the required quantitative data automatically. When the self-study is complete the department will forward a copy of both to the dean and the FCPR.

The ad-hoc evaluation committee will consist of at least three specialists in the field from outside of Cornell. The dean will form the committee after consultation with the faculty of the department under review. The committee will be asked to evaluate the department’s principal activities, to compare it with leading departments in other universities, to assess its trajectory, and to recommend whatever changes the committee believes are appropriate, under the assumption of constant resources.

The committee’s activities should include separate meetings with both non-tenured faculty and students. Within six weeks of the review, the committee will report to the dean. The dean will discuss the report with the department chair and faculty. The dean and department will prepare and exchange independent responses to the review that will include specific plans of action. The dean will send the report and the two replies to the Provost and the FCPR.

The travel, subsistence, and honorarium expenses for the external members of the ad- hoc evaluation committee will be provided by the Provost.

3. The Faculty Committee on Program Review (FCPR), a university-wide professorial faculty committee, will oversee the program review. The committee will consist of no fewer than nine, and no more than eleven, faculty members representing the broad disciplinary areas and academic functions of Cornell and a senior member of the administration appointed by the Provost ex-officio. Members of the FCPR will be selected jointly by the Provost and the Senate, and will serve three-year staggered terms. The chair of the committee will be chosen jointly by the Provost and the Senate. Functions of the committee will include:

    1. Determining (after consultation with appropriate deans) the cycle for reviews of departments, fields, and centers to facilitate the Area Reviews (see paragraph 4);
    2. Monitoring the quality of the review process by:
      1. Receiving and reviewing the department’s self study and any comments on the plan for review, reviewing and approving the dean’s (or other administrator’s) detailed plan for each review, including the ad-hoc evaluation committee’s composition and charge,
      2. Establishing and maintaining minimum criteria for reviews to ensure the regular collection of uniform data from the entire University,
      3. Receiving copies of the individual program reviews, including (a) the self-study, (b) the ad hoc evaluation committee, (c) a response by the department being reviewed, and (d) a response by the dean, which states the action to be taken as a result of the review,
      4. Receiving an annual report from the Provost giving the results of the area reviews completed or in progress;
    3. Commissioning reviews of selected centers, fields, and cross-departmental groupings to be carried out by the Dean of the Graduate School, the Vice- President for Research and Advanced Studies, or a college dean.

Departments or other units being reviewed may approach the FCPR directly at any time.

4. Area Reviews: Each year, the Faculty Committee on Program Review will organize a review of a broad area of scholarship. The areas should be broad enough so that a seven year cycle touches a significant part of the University’s instructional, research and outreach activities. Wherever possible, the Area Reviews will be carried out by Area Review Committees, whose members will be drawn from the ad-hoc evaluation In addition, selected alumni with expertise in the area may be included. The Provost will appoint the Area Review Committees and construct their charge. In the Area Review process, the relationship between the Provost and the Faculty Committee on Program Review will be parallel and similar to the relationship between a college dean and the Faculty Committee on Program Review. Departments and units included in area reviews will also be consulted by the Provost in planning and executing these reviews.

(1) The ILR, Hotel, Law, and JGSM Schools, as well as sections in the Division of Biological Sciences (DBS), will be treated as departments.

(2) “Centers” as used in this document includes institutes, programs, and laboratories.

(3) The frequency of reviews will depend on various factors, such as external mandates, the scheduling of Area Reviews, and the urgency as perceived by the dean and the FCPR.

(4) The Dean of the Graduate School estimates that there are ten such fields. The Vice President for Research estimates that there are nine such centers. Fields and centers being reviewed independently will be referred to as “departments” in this document.

(5) In DBS, the “dean” will be the Director of Biological Sciences and the deans contributing to the section acting together. For independent field and center reviews, the Dean of the Graduate School and the Vice President for Research will respectively have the responsibility for the review.

(6) None of the members of the evaluation committee can have a significant ongoing relationship with the work of the department.

Adopted as amended by the Faculty Senate, September 18, 1996, Records, pp. 7722-35S, Attachment 1. Amended by the Faculty Senate, September 8 1999, records, pp.

2023-24 Annual Report

To: Dean De Rosa

From: Silvia Ferrari, Chair

Date: June 30, 2024

Subject: FCPR Annual Report


  • 1996 – The Faculty Committee on Program Review (FCPR) was created by the Faculty Senate in 1996 to implement periodic external reviews of departments as mandated by President Peter Stein chaired the first committee, which established procedures, guidelines, and the review cycle for the entire university.
  • 2001 – In June 2001, Stephen Hamilton was appointed as Chair. Under Steve’s guidance, the FCPR worked to standardize and streamline the guidelines and procedures, including a revised format for self-studies.
  • 2003 – In January 2003, Joanne Fortune was appointed Chair. With Joanne’s leadership, the committee brought to completion a backlog of over thirty reviews that had accumulated because of late reports by deans and department heads.
  • 2005 – In January 2005, Jim Jenkins was appointed Chair, with the challenge of completing the first cycle of reviews and beginning the
  • 2007 – In September 2007, Brian Chabot was appointed Chair. Under Brian’s direction, the schedule for the first cycle of reviews was completed in 2008 and the second-cycle reviews began in 2009. During spring 2009, the FCPR acted in concert with the Provost to temporarily suspend external review site visits both as a budget savings measure and because the immediate financial stress departments were experiencing might perturb the review’s intended long-term view.
  • 2009 – In September 2009, Cliff Pollock was appointed Chair. While reviewers were suspended, all college Deans were interviewed on the strengths and weaknesses of the external review process, and revised guidelines for the self-study were External reviews began again in 2012 using these new guidelines.
  • 2013 – In December 2013, Geoffrey Coates was appointed During spring 2015, the Provost approved increasing the regular number of external review team members for every site visit from 3 to 4 reviewers.
  • 2016 – In January 2016, Linda Nowak was appointed Chair. During fall 2016, the Provost approved increasing (doubling) the honorarium for external review team members for every site visit from $1,250 to $2,500 for the chair of the team and from $1,000 to $2,000 for the other 3 members of the
  • 2017 – In July 2017, Anthony Bretscher was appointed
  • 2018 – In January 2018, Avery August was appointed ex-officio.
  • 2019 – During fall 2018, the Provost approved increasing the number of external review team members by 1 (from 3 to 4 members) for every site visit. On July 1, 2019, Sean Nicholson became
  • 2020 – In March 2020, travel restrictions were imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and spring 2020 program reviews were postponed. As travel restrictions were extended, several fall 2020 programs reviews were
  • 2021 – During fall 2020, two reviews were conducted on Zoom. During spring 2021, all reviews were postponed due to COVID-19. University administration would like to continue to conduct program reviews (either entirely or partially) virtually as much as possible.
  • 2022: During Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, reviews were conducted partially virtually. The Committee revised the self-study format. In June 2022, Silvia Ferrari was appointed Chair.
  • 2023: In June 2023, Silvia Ferrari agreed to extend her term as FCPR Chair by one year. During spring 2023, all external review site visits were conducted in person.
  • 2024: In June 2024, Silvia Ferrari agreed to extend her term as FCPR Chair by one year.
  • Kristin Walker continues to provide staff support to the committee and to maintain the “historical” record of the

Academic Year 2023-2024 Accomplishments:

  • Four external review site visits were completed, and external review reports are in various stages of completion.
  • Fourteen departments are preparing for their site visit and their reviews should be completed during the coming year (Appendix I). In consultation with the Deans and Department chairs, the scheduled date for a few reviews were adjusted to best fit the resource availability of the Appendix II summarizes the progress of the first and second  review cycles over the past 21 years.


  • On June 30, 2024, seven members will cycle off the committee. To ensure broad representation among the colleges, we will aim to replace them with faculty from Engineering, Human Ecology, Computer Science, Architecture, Art, and Planning, Business, and Arts and Sciences.
  • Due to the 2-year hiatus of program review for budgetary reasons, departmental reorganizations, and mergers, hiring of new department chairs, and travel restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, some departments are at risk of failing to be reviewed within the desired 10-year

Summary: The committee completed a year in which four reviews were active. Of these, four external site visits and external review team reports were completed and are awaiting responses from departments/deans. Fourteen departments are in the process of scheduling their site visits.

Due to the 2-year hiatus of program review for budgetary reasons, departmental reorganizations, and mergers, hiring of new department chairs, and travel restrictions in response to the COVID- 19 pandemic, some reviews are falling short of being reviewed within the required 10-year window.

Faculty Committee on Program Review Appendix I

Summary of 2023-24 Accomplishments

Active Reviews:

  • External review team visit occurred fall 2023, reporting in process:
    • History of Art (00-01, 11-12, 23-24)
  • External review team visit occurred spring 2024, reporting in progress:
    • Microbiology – CALS (97-98, 12-13, 23-24)
    • City and Regional Planning (01-02, 11-12, 23-24)
    • Romance Studies (02-03, 13-14, 23-24)

Planned Reviews 2023-2024:

  • Biological and Environmental Engineering (12-13)
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomedical Sciences (00-01, 11-12)
  • Clinical Sciences (00-01, 11-12)
  • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (04-05, 15-16)
  • Global Development (formerly Development Sociology) (07-08)
  • Government (01-02, 14-15)
  • Lab of Ornithology (99-00, 08-09)
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Materials Science and Engineering (03-04, 13-14)
  • Microbiology and Immunology – CVM (00-01, 11-12)
  • Molecular Medicine (05-06, 13-14)
  • Music (01-02, 14-15)
  • Natural Resources (99-00, 12-13)

Faculty Committee on Program Review Appendix II

Reviews Completed, Ordered by Year of External Review Team Visit


Electrical Engineering

Microbiology (Division of Biological Sciences) Plant Engineering

Rural Sociology


Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics Animal Science

Bailey Hortorium (Division of Biological Sciences)

Biochemical, Molecular, and Cell Biology (Division of Biological Sciences) Computer Science

Ecology and Systematics (Division of Biological Sciences)

Fruit and Vegetable Science (Ithaca), Horticultural Science (Geneva) Genetics and Development (Division of Biological Sciences) Linguistics

Neurobiology and Behavior Nutritional Sciences

Plant Biology (Division of Biological Sciences) Plant Pathology

Physiology (Division of Biological Sciences)


Communication Natural Resources Ornithology

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics


Agricultural and Biological Engineering Anthropology

Biomedical Sciences CIIFAD

Clinical Sciences Economics Education Einaudi Center

Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture History

History of Art

Microbiology and Immunology


Science and Technology Studies Sociology



Chemistry and Chemical Biology City and Regional Planning

Crop and Soil Science German Studies Government

Johnson Museum Music

Policy Analysis and Management

Operations Research and Industrial Engineering


Asian Studies

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Classics

Comparative Literature Near Eastern Studies Philosophy

Romance Studies Textiles and Apparel Theatre, Film, and Dance


Baker Institute

Cornell University Press Astronomy


Materials Science and Engineering Mathematics


Applied and Engineering Physics Design and Environmental Analysis Earth and Atmospheric Science Food Science


Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences



Civil and Environmental Engineering


Family Life Development Center Law

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Molecular Medicine

Society for the Humanities



Electrical and Computer Engineering (1997-98) Industrial and Labor Relations

Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Computer Science (98-99) Cornell Institute for Public Affairs Developmental Sociology

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Human Development (with Cornell Institute for Research on Children) Linguistics (98-99)

Molecular Biology and Genetics Neurobiology and Behavior Plant Breeding and Genetics

Plant Pathology (Ithaca & Geneva)


Animal Science (98-99)

Applied Economics and Management Asian Studies (02-03)

Hotel Administration

Johnson Graduate School of Management Laboratory of Ornithology (99-00) Psychology (00-01)

Real Estate Sociology (00-01)


Year one of a two-year suspension of Program Review


Year two of a two-year suspension of Program Review Communication (99-00)


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (02-03) Clinical Sciences (00-01)

History of Art (00-01)

Microbiology and Immunology (00-01) City and Regional Planning (01-02) Biomedical Sciences (00-01)


Biological and Environmental Engineering Economics (00-01)

Systems Engineering Microbiology (97-98)

Chemistry and Chemical Biology (01-02) Art (00-01)

Natural Resources (99-00)

Nutritional Science (98-99)

Science and Technology Studies (00-01)


Biological Statistics and Computational Biology Anthropology (00-01)

Operations Research and Information Engineering (01-02) Baker Institute and Feline Health Center (03-04) Molecular Medicine (05-06)

Romance Studies (02-03)

Materials Science and Engineering (03-04) Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences (04-05) History (00-01)

Fiber Science and Apparel Design


Psychology (00-01, 08-09)

Music (01-02) Statistical Science Government (01-02)


English (03-04)

Food Science (04-05)

Law (05-06)

Mathematics (03-4)

Comparative Literature (02-03)

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (04-05)


Astronomy (03-04)

Applied Engineering Physics (04-05)

Electrical and Computer Engineering (97-98, 06-07)

Entomology (05-06)

German Studies (01-02) Near Eastern Studies (02-03)

Policy Analysis and Management (01-02)


Classics (02-03)

Physics (04-05)

Human Development (07-08)

Africana (05-06)

Design and Environmental Analysis (04-05) Civil and Environmental Engineering (05-06) Computer Science (98-99, 07-08)


Philosophy (02-03)

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (05-06) Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (06-07) Society for the Humanities (05-06)

School of Integrative Plant Science Industrial and Labor Relations (06-07)


(Program reviews postponed due to travel restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.)

Neurobiology and Behavior (98-99, 07-08, 19-20)

Information Science (19-20)

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (07-08, 19-20)


(Program reviews postponed due to travel restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.)

Biology, Undergraduate

Molecular Biology and Genetics (07-08)


Asian Studies (02-03, 08-09)

Linguistics (98-99, 07-08)

Animal Science (98-99, 08-09)

Communication (99-00, 10-11)

Performing and Media Arts (02-03)

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (02-03, 11-12)


Architecture (06-07, 22-23)

Chemistry and Chemical Biology (01-02, 12-13, 22-23)

Science and Technology Studies (00-01, 12-13, 22-23)

Systems Engineering (12-13, 22-23)


City and Regional Planning (01-02, 11-12, 23-24)*

History of Art (00-01, 11-12, 23-24)*

Microbiology – CALS (97-98, 12-13, 23-24)*

Romance Studies (02-03, 13-14, 23-24)*


*External review team visit completed, reports pending

Past Annual Reports

Send questions about FCPR to the Manager for Academic Program Review and FCPR Administrator – Kristin Walker