CAPE Charter

- Name: The name of this organization shall be Cornell Academics & Professors Emeriti (CAPE).
- Purposes: The purposes of CAPE are: to establish community among CAPE members; to provide support for their professional, social, and personal lives; and to facilitate the use of their skills and knowledge in the service of the University and the wider community.
- Membership Eligibility: Membership is CAPE is open to persons in one or both of the following categories:
- Retired University and Research-Teaching-Extension (RTE) faculty with university voting rights and administrators granted emeritus/a status automatically become members upon retirement.
- Other retirees whose work involved academic functions such as instruction, research, outreach, curation, or advising may request membership.
- Spouses/Partners: Spouses/partners of eligible retirees are welcome to participate in CAPE activities.
- Officers:The officers of CAPE shall be a President, a Vice President (President-elect), a Secretary, and a Treasurer, each elected for a one-year term, or until a successor is elected, with no restrictions as to re-election.
- Executive Council: The Executive Council shall consist of the four officers, the immediate past president, plus six additional members, three of whom shall be elected annually for two-year terms. Executive Council members may serve for up to three two-year terms under normal circumstances. The Dean of the University Faculty is an ex-officio member of CAPE and of the Executive Council. In the event of a vacancy, the remaining members of the Council shall select a successor who shall serve for the unexpired term. The Executive Council schedules and plans CAPE business meetings; reviews any special projects proposed, planned or in progress; and performs other duties and functions that serve the interests of CAPE and of the University. The Executive Council shall normally meet monthly during the academic year.
- Nominations and Elections: The President shall appoint a Nominations Committee comprised of at least three members. Two shall be from the general membership and one shall be a continuing member of the Executive Council, who shall serve as chair. The Nominating Committee shall seek to present a diverse slate of candidates. The election of officers and of three members of the Executive Council shall take place at the Fall business meeting. The terms of officers and Executive Council members shall begin January 1 after the meeting at which they were elected.
- Meetings: There shall be at least one business meeting of CAPE each academic year, normally in late November or December. The Executive Council shall establish the date, time, location, and program of the meeting, and the membership shall be notified of them.
- Membership Financial Contributions: There are no membership dues. Members are encouraged, but not required, to contribute toward the expenses of CAPE activities. A suggested contribution will be announced each year. These contributions are not tax-deductible.
- Amendments: This Charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those members voting in person at a CAPE business meeting provided (1) that each proposed amendment shall have been first submitted to the Executive Council; (2) that the Council shall have judged the proposal to be of merit; and (3) that the members shall have been notified in the call to the meeting that one or more amendments are to be considered. The notification shall include the current version of the Charter as well as the proposed changes.
- Records: The files of CAPE, including minutes of meetings, membership lists, Newsletters, and other relevant information, shall be retained in the CAPE Office and eventually transferred to the University Archives.
Adopted as amended by the Association of Cornell University Emeritus Professors at its organizational meeting on April 30, 1982, and amended May 12, 1983; May 5, 1987; April 25, 1989; October 10, 1989; October 30, 1997, September 2021, and December 11, 2024.