About CAPE
Founded in 1982, Cornell Academics & Professor’s Emeriti (CAPE) has taken a leading role in fostering social and professional community among retired faculty through varied programs and activities, such as:
- CAPE and Cornell University Committees
- Podell Endowment Awards
- CAPE Special Events
- Volunteer programs
- Lecture Series
Become a CAPE Member
- Retired University and Research-Teaching-Extension (RTE) faculty with university voting rights and administrators granted emeritus/a status automatically become members upon retirement.
- Other retirees whose work involved academic functions such as instruction, research, outreach, curation, or advising may request membership.
CAPE Executive Council 2024
The council plans a variety of events for all CAPE members (approximately 1200 people) and also contribute to the following committees and projects:
- Human Resources Retiree Engagement Advisory Committee
- CAPE Project: Histories, Biographies & Scholarly Works
- Health Careers Evaluation Committee
- Lecture Series
- Faculty Senate

President’s Office

Human Ecology

SIPS – Plant Breeding & Genetics Section
Vice President

SIPS – Horticulture Section


SC Johnson College of Business

Neurobiology & Behavior

University Library

Division of Nutritional Sciences
