Template Letters for AI-Related Communications

- From Hearing Board or dept chair to independent witness. L1.pdf | L1.doc
- From instructor notifying student of primary hearing. L2.pdf | L2.doc
- From instructor to student convicted in primary hearing. L3.pdf | L3.doc
- From instructor to student found innocent in primary hearing. L4.pdf | L4.doc
- From instructor to Academic Integrity Board on primary hearing conviction. L5.pdf | L5.doc
- From AIHB chair notifying student convicted in primary hearing. L6.pdf | L6.doc
- From AIHB chair notifying student of hearing (without a primary hearing). L7.pdf | L7.doc
- From AIHB chair notifying student of appeal hearing (following primary hearing). L8.pdf | L8.doc
- From Dean notifying student of AIHB hearing after multiple convictions. L9.pdf | L9.doc
- From Dean notifying student of AIHB hearing after conviction elsewhere. L10.pdf | L10.doc
- From AIHB chair to student following AIHB hearing. L11.pdf | L11.doc