Podell Endowment Awards for Research and Scholarship Program
CAPE is pleased to offer the Podell Endowment Awards for Research and Scholarship (PEARS) Program, generously endowed by Cornell Alumnus, Albert Podell (‘58). The goal of the PEARS Program is to support research, scholarship, and outreach that can make the world a better place.
Applications may be submitted by any CAPE member. CAPE members may apply for support for work in collaboration with colleagues who are not retired. There is 3 time award limit per person.
PEARS projects must focus on:
- Work that will be useful to the world.
- Potential for widespread dissemination, is also desirable.
- Serve as a capstone to the applicant’s academic career.
- Proposals for new work in retirement are welcome.
Representative areas of study may include:
Climate Change, Racial Justice, Migration & Immigration, Enhancing the World’s Food Supply, Energy Supply and Demand, Keeping Communities Healthy, Law and Conflict Resolution, COVID-19, Alleviation of Poverty, Improving Health and Nutrition, Improving Education, Water and Land Resources, Economic Well Being or similar fields of study.

Prize Details
Award funds can be used for the main project, as well as technical or computational support, equipment, supplies, and essential travel.
In previous years, grants have ranged from $2, 000 to $11,000.
How to Apply
Applications must be double-spaced, 12pt font, and no longer than five pages.
Please include:
- Title of project.
- Name and affiliation of the applicant.
- Abstract that includes how the proposed work will help improve the world, specify who will benefit and how, and explain how the results will be disseminated.
- Concise description of the proposed work and its significance.
- Any collaborative arrangements.
- Timeline for completion of project.
- Detailed budget for one year of support (renewals can be requested in a subsequent year).
- Any current and/or pending funding support for the proposed project.
- Provide a 1-2 page CV with relevant publications and/or lectures. (Please do not provide a full multi-page CV).
- Email pdf files to cape@cornell.edu
Applications that do not follow these guidelines may be rejected without consideration.
Applications must be submitted by November 12, 2o24
PEARS awards announcements made in January 2025
Post-Submission Details
The PEARS Selection Committee is comprised of CAPE members, evaluates the applications and selects the prize recipients.
CAPE office will administer the funds through the recipients’ department at Cornell.
Send questions to cape@cornell.edu