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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

2024 Call for Nominations Letter

September 22, 2023

Dear Members of the Cornell Community,

I am writing you today to solicit your nominations for the Kendall S. Carpenter Memorial Advising Awards.  In recognition of the importance of undergraduate advising, Stephen Ashley ‘62, MBA ‘64 and Trustee Emeritus, established the award to honor his extraordinary advisor, a professor of business management at Cornell from 1954 until his untimely death at the age of 50 in 1967.

The Kendall S. Carpenter Memorial Advising Awards recognize sustained and distinguished contributions to undergraduate advising.  Four $5,000 awards are made each year.  Professorial faculty and senior lecturers are eligible.  Nominees must be active contributors to college teaching and to their scholarly field, as appropriate to their appointments, and have not previously won the award (previous awardees).  Nominations for this award are being accepted from all members of the academic community including undergraduates, faculty, and academic staff.

In an effort to streamline and demystify the nomination process, this year we are asking nominators to provide relevant examples of the nominee’s exceptional contributions in response to prompts in a nomination form rather than write a nomination letter from scratch. The following criteria will be considered by the award committee, but please keep in mind that extraordinary commitment to academic advising is of central interest to the award committee. Contributions to the other areas are also greatly valued, though not necessary to be eligible:

Academic advising

  • Informal advising and out-of-classroom support of issues about which students are troubled or care deeply, including academic, professional, societal, and/or personal
  • Supervision of independent studies, undergraduate research, and undergraduate honors projects.
  •  Contributions to fostering a sense of belonging and creating a welcoming environment for under-represented students or students with diverse cultural, economic, and geographic backgrounds.

 Advising in extracurricular contexts

  • Contributions to intellectual liveliness and support of student development in Cornell’s residential halls and elsewhere outside the classroom.
  • Serving as faculty advisors to student clubs, athletic teams, community work, or other extra-curricular activities.

 Programmatic contributions

  • Leadership in broad curricular reviews or designing and implementing undergraduate programs.
  • Leadership in structured institutional advising efforts.
  • Contributions to career development programs for undergraduate students.

Please download and fill out the nomination forms. In addition to the form, nominators will also submit the following supporting documents, combined into a single pdf:

  • Department Chair endorsement letter (which can be brief);
  • Supporting letters from students or others who can speak to the attributes of the nominee. Maximum of 5 (Please note: letters from students receive serious consideration in the review process); and
  • Nominee’s CV.

We encourage resubmissions of previously submitted nomination dossiers provided they include relevant updates. New supporting letters are not required for resubmissions. We also actively invite self-nominations from professorial faculty and senior lecturers, and encourage self-nominees to collaborate with their department chair or relevant associate dean to co-produce nomination materials.

Nomination packets should be submitted to the Associate Dean in the faculty member’s college no later than November 30, 2023:

Associate Deans/Senior Program Directors for Undergraduate Education:

  • Claire Cardie (ctc9), Bowers College of Computing and Information Science
  • Marianella Casasola (mc272), College of Human Ecology
  • Gustavo Flores-Macias (gaf44), Interim, Brooks School of Public Policy
  • Sarah Giroux (sh104), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Kate Griffith (kg275), the ILR School
  • Neema Kudva (nk78), College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
  • Aija Leiponen  (ael24), Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
  • Cynthia Saunders-Cheatham (ccs86), SC Johnson College of Business
  • Michelle K. Smith (mks274), College of Arts and Sciences
  • Alexander Susskind (ams76), Nolan School of Hotel Administration
  • Alan Zehnder (atz2), College of Engineering

Each Associate Dean will provide complete dossiers to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education by December 15, 2023.

Please direct any questions to Thank you in advance for your thoughtful attention to this nomination process.

Kind regards,


Lisa Hisae Nishii, PhD
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Human Resource Studies
International and Comparative Labor

433 Day Hall
Ithaca, NY  14853-2801
t. 607.255.3062
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