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Cornell University

Office of the Dean of Faculty

Connecting & Empowering Faculty

College-Level Teaching Awards



College-Level Teaching Awards




College of Architecture, Art and PlanningMichelle SinnigenWatts Prize for Faculty Excellence (Department of Art)
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

All CALS awards

Sue Merkel

Janine VanOort

Innovative Teacher Award
Professor of Merit
Young Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
CALS Kathy Berggren Diversity and Inclusion Award
Louis and Edith Egerton Career Teaching Award
Donald C. Burgett Distinguished Advisor Award
College of Arts and Sciences


ALL CAS awards


Rebecca Givens

Appel Fellowship for Humanists and Social Scientists
Robert A. and Donna B. Paul Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Advising
Rosenthal Advancement of CAS Women Faculty and Non-STEM Research Fund
Stephen and Margery Russell Distinguished Teaching Awards
Morgan Chia-Wen Sze and Bobbi Josephine Hernandez Distinguished Teaching Prize
Sophie Washburn French InstructorshipJunior & Senior Faculty Teaching Awards
Cornell Bowers CIS (all awards)various

CIS Dean

Various teaching awards not given every year:
Cornell College of Engineering Teaching Award
Cornell Tech Faculty Teaching Award
Dennis G. Shepherd Teaching Award
James and Mary Tien Excellence in Teaching Award
College of Human EcologyMarianella Casasola and Cindy Lu Thompson


College of Human Ecology Alumni Association and Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society Advising Award – this award honors a faculty member each year for outstanding advising. The nomination should include a paragraph describing why you believe the faculty member to be an outstanding advisor. Send nominations to Cindy Lu Thompson; typically due in February.
Cornell EngineeringMichael Thompson, Teaching Excellence awards


Gennady Samorodnitsky, Tau Beta Pi teaching award


College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award
Michael Tien ’72 Excellence in Teaching Award
Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award
Kenneth A. Goldman ’71 College of Engineering Teaching Award
Dorothy and Fred Chau MS’74 College of Engineering Teaching Award
Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Teaching Excellence
Stephen Miles ’57 College of Engineering Teaching Award
Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Advisor Award
School of Industrial and Labor RelationsVictoria ParkerMacIntyre Award for Exemplary Teaching
Robert N. Stern Award for Teaching & Mentoring
Law SchoolRebecca JohnsonKheel Family Awards for Excellence in Teaching
SC Johnson College of Business
Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and ManagementC.-Y. Cynthia Lin LawellTeaching Excellence Award – Undergraduate Program
Teaching Excellence Award – Graduate Program
Outstanding Early Career Achievement Award
Research Excellence – “Our Business is a Better World” Award
Outstanding Achievement in Engagement Award
*Note: Dyson faculty can also be nominated for CALS teaching awards.
Johnson Graduate School of ManagementDanielle George (Clifford H. Whitcomb, Half Century, and Krause Fellows)

Sara Andress (Apple Award, Stephen Russell)

Rhonda Velasquez (Core and AMBA Core Awards)

Patrick Feely (Globe Award, Star Teaching)

Mukti Khaire (Cornell Tech MBA Award)

Savannah Bao (Cornell-Tsinghua Best Teaching Award)

Clifford H. Whitcomb Faculty Fellowship
Half Century Faculty Research Fellowship
Krause Faculty Fellow in Real Estate
Apple Distinguished Teaching Award
Core Faculty Award
AMBA Core Faculty Award
Stephen Russell Distinguished Teaching Award
The Globe Award for Teaching Excellence
Star Teaching Award
Cornell Tech MBA Award for Excellence in Teaching
Cornell-Tsinghua Best Teaching Award
Nolan School of Hotel AdministrationAlex Susskind


Ted Teng ’79 Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award
Faculty Teaching Recognition Awards
·         Freshman, Sophomore, Junior/Senior and Graduate Core Awards
·         Undergraduate Elective
·         Graduate Elective
College of Veterinary MedicineMaria HopkoDepartment of Clinical Sciences Innovative Teaching Award